Cassis & Chocolat noir Cassis & Chocolat noir A breakthrough in post-workout snacking. Our black currant flavour is everything you've been looking for. Chili & Lime Chili & Lime Fresh and uplifting, this funky flavour combo teleports you straight to a fresh food market in the streets of Mexico. Chocolate Chirp Chocolate Chirp The ultimate morning treat with chocolate drops from heaven, a discrete salty touch and nutritionally rich cricket powder. Join the insect revolution and start eating crickets. Chocolate Chirp Chocolate Chirp The dark chocolate is not only good at satisfying your stomach but is also a true mood booster. Enjoy the happy vibes! Noix de Coco & Chocolat Noir Noix de Coco & Chocolat Noir Our oh-so-satisfying coconut flavour makes you finish every session with ease. Treat yourself! Poudre de grillons Poudre de grillons Looking to add a little hop into your daily meals? This will do exactly that. Mix it in your food for additional protein, fibre or iron. A more nutritious meal just with one spoon. Double Date Double Date Combine soft dates with crunchy pecans? That’s double the fun! We topped it off with some mild gingerbread spices and nutritionally rich cricket powder. Join the insect revolution and start eating crickets. Double Date Double Date This sweet, crunchy and fresh counterpart of dates, cashew and a hint of coconut will surely take you someplace nice. Bon cadeau Bon cadeau Want your friends and family to know how much you care about them? Well, there's no better way than saying it with crickets! Discovery Box Discovery Box Are you that person that just can’t make up their minds? Don’t fear, we’ve got your back with our Discovery Box with 3 different granolas. Join the insect revolution and start eating crickets. High Protein bars Mix High Protein bars Mix Double the fun with our mix of 3 flavours. Never gets boring, keeps you scoring! Limited Edition Beurre de cacahuètes Limited Edition Beurre de cacahuètes Our 70-20-10 blend redefines the nut butter experience. 70% premium peanuts, 20% decadent Belgian chocolate for a sweet twist, and of course boasting a protein-packed punch with 10% eco-friendly cricket powder. Sounds irresistibly tempting, right? Discovery Box Discovery Box Are you that person that just can’t make up their mind? Don’t fear, we’ve got your back with our Muesli bar Mix! Peanut & Salted Caramel Peanut & Salted Caramel Picture this: a dreamy blend of creamy caramel, crunchy peanuts, and a dark chocolate coating. That's right: Our Peanut & Salted Caramel masterpiece makes your snacking dreams come true. Starter Box Bars Starter Box Bars Whether you're in need of a quick pick-me-up during work or a powerful source of recovery after a strenuous workout, our bars have got you covered. Starter Box Starter Box Your AHA moment when you’re just so curious you can’t choose. The Original The Original Straightforward start to the day with crunchy hazelnuts, a note of cinnamon and cricket powder. Simple yet splendid. The Original The Original This bar is your ultimate snack on-the-go. Delicious hazelnuts and crunchy pumpkin seeds? Yes, please! Upcycled KRIKET Notebook Upcycled KRIKET Notebook Yuma Discovery Box Yuma Discovery Box The best of the best: our whole range of gourmet crackers and healthy crispbread. Sustainable luxury is how we call it!

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Yuma Discovery Box Yuma Discovery Box Lancez-vous dans notre univers salé avec les produits Yuma !

1 box (€19.95)

En savoir plus
Starter Box Starter Box Tu n'arrives pas à te décider devant tant de choix ? Pas besoin de choisir !
Starterbox Bars Starterbox Bars The ultimate solution for those seeking a small or mighty boost!
Barres Barres Nos barres sont des collations saines et complètes, parfaites pour les moments o...
High Protein bars High Protein bars From top athletes to health enthusiasts: this is your tasty and sustainable way ...
Granola Granola Un granola out-of-the-box, composé uniquement d'ingrédients de haute qualité, no...
Grillons Croustillants Grillons Croustillants Découvre ce qui compte vraiment : des petites bestioles dans toute leur splendeu...
Poudre de grillons Poudre de grillons Tu cherches à ajouter un peu de folie à tes repas quotidiens ? Ceci fera l'affaire.
Saison des cadeaux Saison des cadeaux We got you! Surprenez vos proches avec le cadeau le plus cool (et le plus délici...
Limited edition Merch Limited edition Merch Montrez votre amour pour les collations durables avec style.
Les grillons regorgent littéralement de protéines !

Les grillons regorgent littéralement de protéines !

Les protéines sont les éléments constitutifs de notre corps. Elles sont présentes dans chaque cellule de tes muscles, os, cerveau, peau, cheveux et ongles.

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Apprends-en plus sur l’histoire de nos fondateurs.

L’histoire de KRIKET ne date pas d'hier. Ca fait un petit temps !

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Apprends-en plus sur l’histoire de nos fondateurs.

La durabilité est au cœur de nos préoccupations. Envie d’en savoir plus ?

Emballage Emballage En matière d'emballage, la solution la plus durable n'est pas toujours celle que...
Nutri-Score Nutri-Score Nous utilisons le label Nutri-Score comme une boussole pour guider nos décisions...
B Corp B Corp B signifie Benefit, et nous en avons beaucoup. En savoir plus ici !