At KRIKET, we like to do things differently.
From yuck to yummy; we make the world crave crickets. Unconventional? Maybe. Delicious? Definitely! Every bite of KRIKET is tasty, full of energy and kind to our planet. Delicate, soft, and nutty, these nutritionally rich little buggers will make your taste buds jump any time of the day. Our kind of different is the goood kind of different.
At KRIKET, we’ve got nothing to hide. We think that a big part of the problem with our current food system is that it’s really hard to know where food comes from and how it is produced.
That’s why we have decided to share the origin of all the ingredients we use.
If you know a more local alternative to the ones we currently source, please share. We’re always striving to improve.
“Why crickets?” you may ask. “Why not?” seems like a more suitable question. You might have heard already: our food system is causing great damage to our planet. It’s degrading our soils and polluting water and air. At the same time, we’re wasting 30% (one third!) of all foods that are produced globally.
We learned that people are ready to broaden their gastronomic horizons.
In the summer of 2016, Michiel, who was back then still working as an agricultural & food journalist, visited an urban cricket farm in the heart of Brussels. The farm was set up by 3 young and adventurous engineers, who told him all about the sustainable superpowers crickets possess, and how incredibly nutritious they are. Why then, Michiel wondered, can’t I find them anywhere in the supermarket?
But what does it actually mean? We'll give you a quick heads-up. It's as simple as A - B - C...
B Corp is a business certification where B stands for benefit. Because we've got a lot of benefits to share to everyone involved in our mission!
As a small company with sustainability at the core of our mission, we try to do the very best we can and strive for continuous improvement. Our choices are based on the latest evolutions in the packaging industry, and we’re happy to be 100% transparent about them.
Want to get to know the KRIKET flavours? Dive into our discovery boxes.

Crickets are literally bursting with protein!
Proteins are the building blocks of our body. They are present in every single cell in your muscles, bones, brain, skin, hair and nails.
Read all about our founder’s journey
The KRIKET story didn't just start today. We go way back!